Package 'bmm'

Title: Easy and Accessible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'
Description: Fit computational and measurement models using full Bayesian inference. The package provides a simple and accessible interface by translating complex domain-specific models into 'brms' syntax, a powerful and flexible framework for fitting Bayesian regression models using 'Stan'. The package is designed so that users can easily apply state-of-the-art models in various research fields, and so that researchers can use it as a new model development framework.
Authors: Vencislav Popov [aut, cre, cph] , Gidon T. Frischkorn [aut, cph] , Paul-Christian Bürkner [cph] (Creator of 'brms', code portions of which are used in 'bmm'.)
Maintainer: Vencislav Popov <[email protected]>
License: GPL-2
Version: 1.0.0
Built: 2025-03-19 05:19:18 UTC

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Easy and Accesible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'


Fit computational and measurement models using full Bayesian inference. The package provides a simple and accessible interface by translating complex domain-specific models into 'brms' syntax, a powerful and flexible framework for fitting Bayesian regression models using 'Stan'. The package is designed so that users can easily apply state-of-the-art models in various research fields, and so that researchers can use it as a new model development framework.


Maintainer: Vencislav Popov [email protected] (ORCID) [copyright holder]


Other contributors:

  • Paul-Christian Bürkner [email protected] (Creator of 'brms', code portions of which are used in 'bmm'.) [copyright holder]

See Also

Useful links:

Fit Bayesian Measurement Models


Fit a Bayesian measurement model using brms as a backend interface to Stan.


  prior = NULL,
  sort_data = getOption("bmm.sort_data", "check"),
  silent = getOption("bmm.silent", 1),
  backend = getOption("brms.backend", NULL),
  file = NULL,
  file_compress = TRUE,
  file_refit = getOption("bmm.file_refit", FALSE),

  prior = NULL,
  sort_data = getOption("bmm.sort_data", "check"),
  silent = getOption("bmm.silent", 1),
  backend = getOption("brms.backend", NULL),



An object of class bmmformula. A symbolic description of the model to be fitted.


An object of class data.frame, containing data of all variables used in the model. The names of the variables must match the variable names passed to the bmmodel object for required argurments.


A description of the model to be fitted. This is a call to a bmmodel such as mixture3p() function. Every model function has a number of required arguments which need to be specified within the function call. Call supported_models() to see the list of supported models and their required arguments


One or more brmsprior objects created by brms::set_prior() or related functions and combined using the c method or the + operator. See also default_prior() for more help. Not necessary for the default model fitting, but you can provide prior constraints to model parameters


Logical. If TRUE, the data will be sorted by the predictor variables for faster sampling. If FALSE, the data will not be sorted, but sampling will be slower. If "check" (the default), bmm() will check if the data is sorted, and ask you via a console prompt if it should be sorted. You can set the default value for this option using global ⁠options(bmm.sort_data = TRUE/FALSE/"check)⁠)⁠or via⁠bmm_options(sort_data)'


Verbosity level between 0 and 2. If 1 (the default), most of the informational messages of compiler and sampler are suppressed. If 2, even more messages are suppressed. The actual sampling progress is still printed. Set refresh = 0 to turn this off as well. If using backend = "rstan" you can also set open_progress = FALSE to prevent opening additional progress bars.


Character. The backend to use for fitting the model. Can be "rstan" or "cmdstanr". If NULL (the default), "cmdstanr" will be used if the cmdstanr package is installed, otherwise "rstan" will be used. You can set the default backend using global options(brms.backend = "rstan"/"cmdstanr")


Either NULL or a character string. If a string, the fitted model object is saved via saveRDS in a file named after the string. The ⁠.rds extension is added automatically. If the file already exists, ⁠bmm⁠will load and return the saved model object. Unless you specify the⁠file_refit⁠argument as well, the existing files won't be overwritten, you have to manually remove the file in order to refit and save the model under an existing file name. The file name is stored in the⁠bmmfit' object for later usage. If the directory of the file does not exist, it will be created.


Logical or a character string, specifying one of the compression algorithms supported by saveRDS when saving the fitted model object.


Logical. Modifies when the fit stored via the file argument is re-used. Can be set globally for the current R session via the "bmm.file_refit" option (see options). If TRUE (the default), the model is re-used if the file exists. If FALSE, the model is re-fitted. Note that unlike brms, there is no "on_change" option


Further arguments passed to brms::brm() or Stan. See the description of brms::brm() for more details


An object of class brmsfit which contains the posterior draws along with many other useful information about the model. Use methods(class = "brmsfit") for an overview on available methods.

Supported Models

The following models are supported:

  • imm(resp_error, nt_features, nt_distances, set_size, regex, version)

  • mixture2p(resp_error)

  • mixture3p(resp_error, nt_features, set_size, regex)

  • sdm(resp_error, version)

Type ?modelname to get information about a specific model, e.g. ?imm

bmmformula syntax

see this online article for a detailed description of the syntax and how it differs from the syntax for brmsformula

Default priors, Stan code and Stan data

For more information about the default priors in bmm and about who to extract the Stan code and data generated by bmm and #' brms, see the online article.


Type help(package=bmm) for a full list of available help topics.

fit_model() is a deprecated alias for bmm().


Frischkorn, G. T., & Popov, V. (2023). A tutorial for estimating mixture models for visual working memory tasks in brms: Introducing the Bayesian Measurement Modeling (bmm) package for R.

See Also

supported_models(), brms::brm(), default_prior(), bmmformula(), stancode(), standata()


# generate artificial data from the Signal Discrimination Model
dat <- data.frame(y = rsdm(2000))

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = dat,
           model = sdm(resp_error = "y"),
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

View or change global bmm options


View or change global bmm options


  reset_options = FALSE



logical. If TRUE, the data will be sorted by the predictors. If FALSE, the data will not be sorted, but sampling will be slower. If "check" (the default), bmm() will check if the data is sorted, and ask you via a console prompt if it should be sorted. Default: "check"


logical. If TRUE, chains will be run in parallel. If FALSE, chains will be run sequentially. You can also set these value for each model separately via the argument parallel in bmm(). Default: FALSE


logical. If TRUE (default), the default bmm priors will be used. If FALSE, only the basic brms priors will be used. Default: TRUE


numeric. Verbosity level between 0 and 2. If 1 ( the default), most of the informational messages of compiler and sampler are suppressed. If 2, even more messages are suppressed. The actual sampling progress is still printed. Default: 1


logical. If TRUE, the summary of the model will be printed in color. Default: TRUE


logical. If TRUE, bmm() will refit the model even if the file argument is specified. Default: FALSE


logical. If TRUE, the options will be reset to their default values Default: FALSE


The bmm_options function is used to view or change the current bmm options. If no arguments are provided, the function will return the current options. If arguments are provided, the function will change the options and return the old options invisibly. If you provide only some of the arguments, the other options will not be changed. The options are stored in the global options list and will be used by bmm() and other functions in the bmm package. Each of these options can also be set manually using the built-in options() function, by setting the bmm.sort_data, bmm.default_priors, and bmm.silent options.


A message with the current bmm options and their values, and invisibly returns the old options for use with on.exit() and friends.


# view the current options

# change the options to always sort the data and to use parallel sampling
bmm_options(sort_data = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)

# restore the default options
bmm_options(reset_options = TRUE)

# you can change the options using the options() function as well
options(bmm.sort_data = TRUE, bmm.parallel = TRUE)

# reset the options to their default values
bmm_options(reset_options = TRUE)

# bmm_options(sort_data = TRUE, parallel = TRUE) will also return the old options
# so you can use it with on.exit()
old_op <- bmm_options(sort_data = TRUE, parallel = TRUE)

bmm_options(reset_options = TRUE)

Create formula for predicting parameters of a bmmodel


This function is used to specify the formulas predicting the different parameters of a bmmodel.






Formulas for predicting a bmmodel parameter. Each formula for a parameter should be specified as a separate argument, separated by commas


A list of formulas for each parameters being predicted

General formula structure

The formula argument accepts formulas of the following syntax:

parameter ~ fixed_effects + (random_effects | grouping_variable)

bmm formulas are built on brms formulas and function in nearly the same way, so you can use most of the brms formula syntax. The main differences is that in bmm formulas, the response variable is not specified in the formula. Instead, each parameter of the model is explicitly specified as the left-hand side of the formula. In brms, the response variable is always specified as the left-hand side of the first formula, which implicitly means that any predictors in the first formula are predictors of the mu parameter of the model. In general, measurement models do not all have a mu parameter, therefore it is more straigthforward to explicitely predict each parameter of the model.

For example, in the following brms formula for the drift diffusion model, the first line corresponds to the drift rate parameter, but this is not explicitely stated.

      brmsformula(rt | dec(response) ~ condition + (condition | id),
                  bs ~ 1 + (1 | id),
                  ndt ~ 1 + (1 | id),
                  bias ~ 1 + (1 | id))

In bmm, the same formula would be written as:

      bmmformula(drift ~ condition + (condition | id),
                 bs ~ 1 + (1 | id),
                 ndt ~ 1 + (1 | id),
                 bias ~ 1 + (1 | id))

and the rt and response variables would be specified in the model argument of the bmm() function.

Aside from that, the bmm formula syntax is the same as the brms formula syntax. For more information on the brms formula syntax, see brms::brmsformula().

You can also use the bmf() function as a shorthand for bmmformula().


imm_formula <- bmmformula(
  c ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | id),
  a ~ 1,
  kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | id)

# or use the shorter alias 'bmf'
imm_formula2 <- bmf(
  c ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | id),
  a ~ 1,
  kappa ~ 0 + set_size + (0 + set_size | id)
identical(imm_formula, imm_formula2)

Convert between parametrizations of the c parameter of the SDM distribution


Convert between parametrizations of the c parameter of the SDM distribution


c_sqrtexp2bessel(c, kappa)

c_bessel2sqrtexp(c, kappa)



Vector of memory strength values


Vector of precision values


c_bessel2sqrtexp converts the memory strength parameter (c) from the bessel parametrization to the sqrtexp parametrization, c_sqrtexp2bessel converts from the sqrtexp parametrization to the bessel parametrization.

See the online article for details on the parameterization. The sqrtexp parametrization is the default in the bmm package.


A numeric vector of the same length as c and kappa.


c_bessel <- c_sqrtexp2bessel(c = 4, kappa = 3)
c_sqrtexp <- c_bessel2sqrtexp(c = c_bessel, kappa = 3)

Calculate response error relative to non-target values


Given a vector of responses, and the values of non-targets, this function computes the error relative to each of the non-targets.


calc_error_relative_to_nontargets(data, response, nt_features)



A data.frame object where each row is a single observation


Character. The name of the column in data which contains the response


Character vector. The names of the columns in data which contain the values of the non-targets


A data.frame with n*m rows, where n is the number of rows of data and m is the number of non-target variables. It preserves all other columns of data, except for the non-target locations, and adds a column y_nt, which contains the transformed response error relative to the non-targets


data <- oberauer_lin_2017
data <- calc_error_relative_to_nontargets(data, "dev_rad", paste0("col_nt", 1:7))
hist(data$y_nt, breaks = 100)

Convert degrees to radians or radians to degrees.


The helper functions deg2rad and rad2deg should add convenience in transforming data from degrees to radians and from radians to degrees.






A numeric vector of values in degrees.


A numeric vector of values in radians.


A numeric vector of the same length as deg or rad.


degrees <- runif(100, min = 0, max = 360)
radians <- deg2rad(degrees)
degrees_again <- rad2deg(radians)

Get Default priors for Measurement Models specified in BMM


Obtain the default priors for a Bayesian multilevel measurement model, as well as information for which parameters priors can be specified. Given the model, the data and the formula for the model, this function will return the default priors that would be used to estimate the model. Additionally, it will return all model parameters that have no prior specified (flat priors). This can help to get an idea about which priors need to be specified and also know which priors were used if no user-specified priors were passed to the bmm() function.

The default priors in bmm tend to be more informative than the default priors in brms, as we use domain knowledge to specify the priors.


## S3 method for class 'bmmformula'
default_prior(object, data, model, formula = object, ...)



A bmmformula object


An object of class data.frame, containing data of all variables used in the model. The names of the variables must match the variable names passed to the bmmodel object for required argurments.


A description of the model to be fitted. This is a call to a bmmodel such as mixture3p() function. Every model function has a number of required arguments which need to be specified within the function call. Call supported_models() to see the list of supported models and their required arguments


An object of class bmmformula. A symbolic description of the model to be fitted.


Further arguments passed to brms::default_prior()


A data.frame with columns specifying the prior, the class, the coef and group for each of the priors specified. Separate rows contain the information on the parameters (or parameter classes) for which priors can be specified.

See Also

supported_models(), brms::default_prior()


default_prior(bmf(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1),
  data = oberauer_lin_2017,
  model = sdm(resp_error = "dev_rad")

Extract information from a brmsfit object


Extract information from a brmsfit object


fit_info(fit, what)



A brmsfit object, or a list of brmsfit objects


String. What to return:

  • "time" for the sampling time per chain

  • "time_mean" for the mean sampling time


Depends on what and the class of fit. For brmsfit objects, information about the single fit is returned. For brmsfit_list objects, a list or data.frame with the information for each fit is returned.

  • "time": A data.frame with the sampling time per chain

  • "time_mean": A named numeric vector with the mean sampling time


fit <- bmm(
  formula = bmmformula(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1),
  data = data.frame(y = rsdm(1000)),
  model = sdm(resp_error = "y")

fit_info(fit, "time")

Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).


Three versions of the Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017). - the full, bsc, and abc. IMMfull(), IMMbsc(), and IMMabc() are deprecated and will be removed in the future. Please use imm(version = 'full'), imm(version = 'bsc'), or imm(version = 'abc') instead.


  regex = FALSE,
  version = "full",

IMMfull(resp_error, nt_features, nt_distances, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)

IMMbsc(resp_error, nt_features, nt_distances, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)

IMMabc(resp_error, nt_features, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)



The name of the variable in the provided dataset containing the response error. The response Error should code the response relative to the to-be-recalled target in radians. You can transform the response error in degrees to radian using the deg2rad function.


A character vector with the names of the non-target variables. The non_target variables should be in radians and be centered relative to the target. Alternatively, if regex=TRUE, a regular expression can be used to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


A vector of names of the columns containing the distances of non-target items to the target item. Alternatively, if regex=TRUE, a regular expression can be used to match the non-target distances columns in the dataset. Only necessary for the bsc and full versions.


Name of the column containing the set size variable (if set_size varies) or a numeric value for the set_size, if the set_size is fixed.


Logical. If TRUE, the nt_features and nt_distances arguments are interpreted as a regular expression to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


Character. The version of the IMM model to use. Can be one of full, bsc, or abc. The default is full.


used internally for testing, ignore it


  • Domain: Visual working memory

  • Task: Continuous reproduction

  • Name: Interference measurement model by Oberauer and Lin (2017).

  • Citation:

    • Oberauer, K., & Lin, H.Y. (2017). An interference model of visual working memory. Psychological Review, 124(1), 21-59

Version: full

  • Requirements:

    • The response vairable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • The non-target features should be in radians and be centered relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu1: Location parameter of the von Mises distribution for memory responses (in radians). Fixed internally to 0 by default.

    • kappa: Concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution

    • a: General activation of memory items

    • c: Context activation

    • s: Spatial similarity gradient

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu1 = 0

    • mu2 = 0

    • kappa2 = -100

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; a = log; c = log; s = log

  • Default priors:

    • mu1:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: normal(2, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • a:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • c:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • s:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

Version: bsc

  • Requirements:

    • The response vairable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • The non-target features should be in radians and be centered relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu1: Location parameter of the von Mises distribution for memory responses (in radians). Fixed internally to 0 by default.

    • kappa: Concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution

    • c: Context activation

    • s: Spatial similarity gradient

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu1 = 0

    • mu2 = 0

    • kappa2 = -100

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; c = log; s = log

  • Default priors:

    • mu1:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: normal(2, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • c:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • s:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

Version: abc

  • Requirements:

    • The response vairable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • The non-target features should be in radians and be centered relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu1: Location parameter of the von Mises distribution for memory responses (in radians). Fixed internally to 0 by default.

    • kappa: Concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution

    • a: General activation of memory items

    • c: Context activation

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu1 = 0

    • mu2 = 0

    • kappa2 = -100

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; a = log; c = log

  • Default priors:

    • mu1:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: normal(2, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • a:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • c:

      • main: normal(0, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

Additionally, all imm models have an internal parameter that is fixed to 0 to allow the model to be identifiable. This parameter is not estimated and is not included in the model formula. The parameter is:

  • b = "Background activation (internally fixed to 0)"


An object of class bmmodel


# load data
data <- oberauer_lin_2017

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(
  kappa ~ 0 + set_size,
  c ~ 0 + set_size,
  a ~ 0 + set_size,
  s ~ 0 + set_size

# specify the full IMM model with explicit column names for non-target features and distances
# by default this fits the full version of the model
model1 <- imm(resp_error = "dev_rad",
              nt_features = paste0('col_nt', 1:7),
              nt_distances = paste0('dist_nt', 1:7),
              set_size = 'set_size')

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = data,
           model = model1,
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

# alternatively specify the IMM model with a regular expression to match non-target features
# this is equivalent to the previous call, but more concise
model2 <- imm(resp_error = "dev_rad",
              nt_features = 'col_nt',
              nt_distances = 'dist_nt',
              set_size = 'set_size',
              regex = TRUE)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = data,
           model = model2,
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

# you can also specify the `bsc` or `abc` versions of the model to fit a reduced version
model3 <- imm(resp_error = "dev_rad",
              nt_features = 'col_nt',
              set_size = 'set_size',
              regex = TRUE,
              version = 'abc')
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = data,
           model = model3,
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

Distribution functions for the Interference Measurement Model (IMM)


Density, distribution, and random generation functions for the interference measurement model with the location of mu, strength of cue- dependent activation c, strength of cue-independent activation a, the generalization gradient s, and the precision of memory representations kappa.


  mu = c(0, 2, -1.5),
  dist = c(0, 0.5, 2),
  c = 5,
  a = 2,
  b = 1,
  s = 2,
  kappa = 5,
  log = FALSE

  mu = c(0, 2, -1.5),
  dist = c(0, 0.5, 2),
  c = 1,
  a = 0.2,
  b = 0,
  s = 2,
  kappa = 5

  mu = c(0, 2, -1.5),
  dist = c(0, 0.5, 2),
  c = 1,
  a = 0.2,
  b = 0,
  s = 2,
  kappa = 5

  mu = c(0, 2, -1.5),
  dist = c(0, 0.5, 2),
  c = 1,
  a = 0.2,
  b = 1,
  s = 2,
  kappa = 5



Vector of observed responses


Vector of locations


Vector of distances of the item locations to the cued location


Vector of strengths for cue-dependent activation


Vector of strengths for cue-independent activation


Vector of baseline activation


Vector of generalization gradients


Vector of precision values


Logical; if TRUE, values are returned on the log scale.


Vector of quantiles


Vector of probability


Number of observations to generate data for


dimm gives the density of the interference measurement model, pimm gives the cumulative distribution function of the interference measurement model, qimm gives the quantile function of the interference measurement model, and rimm gives the random generation function for the interference measurement model.


Oberauer, K., Stoneking, C., Wabersich, D., & Lin, H.-Y. (2017). Hierarchical Bayesian measurement models for continuous reproduction of visual features from working memory. Journal of Vision, 17(5), 11.


# generate random samples from the imm and overlay the density
r <- rimm(10000, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), dist = c(0, 0.5, 2),
          c = 5, a = 2, s = 2, b = 1, kappa = 4)
x <- seq(-pi,pi,length.out=10000)
d <- dimm(x, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), dist = c(0, 0.5, 2),
          c = 5, a = 2, s = 2, b = 1, kappa = 4)
hist(r, breaks=60, freq=FALSE)
lines(x,d,type="l", col="red")

Transform kappa of the von Mises distribution to the circular standard deviation


This function transforms the precision parameter kappa of the von Mises distribution to the circular standard deviation. Adapted from Matlab code by Paul Bays (





numeric. A vector of kappa values.


A vector of sd values.


kappas <- runif(1000, 0.01, 100)

# calcualte SD (in radians)
SDs <- k2sd(kappas)

# transform SDs from radians to degrees
SDs_degress <- SDs * 180 / pi

# plot the relationship between kappa and circular SD

Two-parameter mixture model by Zhang and Luck (2008).


Two-parameter mixture model by Zhang and Luck (2008).


mixture2p(resp_error, ...)



The name of the variable in the provided dataset containing the response error. The response Error should code the response relative to the to-be-recalled target in radians. You can transform the response error in degrees to radian using the deg2rad function.


used internally for testing, ignore it


  • Domain: Visual working memory

  • Task: Continuous reproduction

  • Name: Two-parameter mixture model by Zhang and Luck (2008).

  • Citation:

    • Zhang, W., & Luck, S. J. (2008). Discrete fixed-resolution representations in visual working memory. Nature, 453(7192), 233-235

  • Requirements:

    • The response vairable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu1: Location parameter of the von Mises distribution for memory responses (in radians). Fixed internally to 0 by default.

    • kappa: Concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution

    • thetat: Mixture weight for target responses

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu1 = 0

    • mu2 = 0

    • kappa2 = -100

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; thetat = identity

  • Default priors:

    • mu1:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: normal(2, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • thetat:

      • main: logistic(0, 1)


An object of class bmmodel


# generate artificial data
dat <- data.frame(y = rmixture2p(n=2000))

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(kappa ~ 1, thetat ~ 1)

model <- mixture2p(resp_error = "y")

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = dat,
           model = model,
           cores = 4,
           iter = 500,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

Distribution functions for the two-parameter mixture model (mixture2p)


Density, distribution, and random generation functions for the two-parameter mixture model with the location of mu, precision of memory representations kappa and probability of recalling items from memory p_mem.


dmixture2p(x, mu = 0, kappa = 5, p_mem = 0.6, log = FALSE)

pmixture2p(q, mu = 0, kappa = 7, p_mem = 0.8)

qmixture2p(p, mu = 0, kappa = 5, p_mem = 0.6)

rmixture2p(n, mu = 0, kappa = 5, p_mem = 0.6)



Vector of observed responses


Vector of locations


Vector of precision values


Vector of probabilities for memory recall


Logical; if TRUE, values are returned on the log scale.


Vector of quantiles


Vector of probability


Number of observations to generate data for


dmixture2p gives the density of the two-parameter mixture model, pmixture2p gives the cumulative distribution function of the two-parameter mixture model, qmixture2p gives the quantile function of the two-parameter mixture model, and rmixture2p gives the random generation function for the two-parameter mixture model.


Zhang, W., & Luck, S. J. (2008). Discrete fixed-resolution representations in visual working memory. Nature, 453.


# generate random samples from the mixture2p model and overlay the density
r <- rmixture2p(10000, mu = 0, kappa = 4, p_mem = 0.8)
x <- seq(-pi,pi,length.out=10000)
d <- dmixture2p(x, mu = 0, kappa = 4, p_mem = 0.8)
hist(r, breaks=60, freq=FALSE)
lines(x,d,type="l", col="red")

Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).


Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).


mixture3p(resp_error, nt_features, set_size, regex = FALSE, ...)



The name of the variable in the dataset containing the response error. The response error should code the response relative to the to-be-recalled target in radians. You can transform the response error in degrees to radians using the deg2rad function.


A character vector with the names of the non-target feature values. The non_target feature values should be in radians and centered relative to the target. Alternatively, if regex=TRUE, a regular expression can be used to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


Name of the column containing the set size variable (if set_size varies) or a numeric value for the set_size, if the set_size is fixed.


Logical. If TRUE, the nt_features argument is interpreted as a regular expression to match the non-target feature columns in the dataset.


used internally for testing, ignore it


  • Domain: Visual working memory

  • Task: Continuous reproduction

  • Name: Three-parameter mixture model by Bays et al (2009).

  • Citation:

    • Bays, P. M., Catalao, R. F. G., & Husain, M. (2009). The precision of visual working memory is set by allocation of a shared resource. Journal of Vision, 9(10), 1-11

  • Requirements:

    • The response vairable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • The non-target features should be in radians and be centered relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu1: Location parameter of the von Mises distribution for memory responses (in radians). Fixed internally to 0 by default.

    • kappa: Concentration parameter of the von Mises distribution

    • thetat: Mixture weight for target responses

    • thetant: Mixture weight for non-target responses

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu1 = 0

    • mu2 = 0

    • kappa2 = -100

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu1 = tan_half; kappa = log; thetat = identity; thetant = identity

  • Default priors:

    • mu1:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: normal(2, 1)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • thetat:

      • main: logistic(0, 1)

    • thetant:

      • main: logistic(0, 1)


An object of class bmmodel


# generate artificial data from the Bays et al (2009) 3-parameter mixture model
dat <- data.frame(
  y = rmixture3p(n=2000, mu = c(0,1,-1.5,2)),
  nt1_loc = 1,
  nt2_loc = -1.5,
  nt3_loc = 2

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(
  kappa ~ 1,
  thetat ~ 1,
  thetant ~ 1

# specify the 3-parameter model with explicit column names for non-target features
model1 <- mixture3p(resp_error = "y", nt_features = paste0('nt',1:3,'_loc'), set_size = 4)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = dat,
           model = model1,
           cores = 4,
           iter = 500,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

# alternatively specify the 3-parameter model with a regular expression to match non-target features
# this is equivalent to the previous call, but more concise
model2 <- mixture3p(resp_error = "y", nt_features = "nt.*_loc", set_size = 4, regex = TRUE)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = dat,
           model = model2,
           cores = 4,
           iter = 500,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

Distribution functions for the three-parameter mixture model (mixture3p)


Density, distribution, and random generation functions for the three-parameter mixture model with the location of mu, precision of memory representations kappa, probability of recalling items from memory p_mem, and probability of recalling non-targets p_nt.


  mu = c(0, 2, -1.5),
  kappa = 5,
  p_mem = 0.6,
  p_nt = 0.2,
  log = FALSE

pmixture3p(q, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), kappa = 5, p_mem = 0.6, p_nt = 0.2)

qmixture3p(p, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), kappa = 5, p_mem = 0.6, p_nt = 0.2)

rmixture3p(n, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), kappa = 5, p_mem = 0.6, p_nt = 0.2)



Vector of observed responses


Vector of locations. First value represents the location of the target item and any additional values indicate the location of non-target items.


Vector of precision values


Vector of probabilities for memory recall


Vector of probabilities for swap errors


Logical; if TRUE, values are returned on the log scale.


Vector of quantiles


Vector of probability


Number of observations to generate data for


dmixture3p gives the density of the three-parameter mixture model, pmixture3p gives the cumulative distribution function of the two-parameter mixture model, qmixture3p gives the quantile function of the two-parameter mixture model, and rmixture3p gives the random generation function for the two-parameter mixture model.


Bays, P. M., Catalao, R. F. G., & Husain, M. (2009). The precision of visual working memory is set by allocation of a shared resource. Journal of Vision, 9(10), 7.


# generate random samples from the mixture3p model and overlay the density
r <- rmixture3p(10000, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), kappa = 4, p_mem = 0.6, p_nt = 0.2)
x <- seq(-pi,pi,length.out=10000)
d <- dmixture3p(x, mu = c(0, 2, -1.5), kappa = 4, p_mem = 0.6, p_nt = 0.2)
hist(r, breaks=60, freq=FALSE)
lines(x,d,type="l", col="red")

Data from Experiment 1 reported by Oberauer & Lin (2017)


Raw data of 19 subjects that completed a continuous reproduction task with set size 1 to 8 reported by Oberauer & Lin (2017).





A data frame with 15,200 rows and 19 columns:


Integer uniquely identifying different subjects


Session number


Trial number within each session


The set_size of the data in this row


The response error, that is the difference between the response given and the target color in radians.

col_nt1, col_nt2, col_nt3, col_nt4, col_nt5, col_nt6, col_nt7

The non-target items' color value relative to the target.

dist_nt1, dist_nt2, dist_nt3, dist_nt4, dist_nt5, dist_nt6, dist_nt7, dist_nt8

The spatial distance between all non-target items and the target item in radians.


Restructure Old bmmfit Objects


Restructure old bmmfit objects to work with the latest bmm version. This function is called internally when applying post-processing methods.


## S3 method for class 'bmmfit'
restructure(x, ...)



An object of class bmmfit.


Currently ignored.


A bmmfit object compatible with the latest version of bmm and brms.


# Load an old bmmfit object
old_fit <- readRDS("bmmfit_old.rds")
new_fit <- restructure(old_fit)

Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) by Oberauer (2023)


Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) by Oberauer (2023)


sdm(resp_error, version = "simple", ...)

sdmSimple(resp_error, version = "simple", ...)



The name of the variable in the dataset containing the response error. The response error should code the response relative to the to-be-recalled target in radians. You can transform the response error in degrees to radians using the deg2rad function.


Character. The version of the model to use. Currently only "simple" is supported.


used internally for testing, ignore it


see the online article for a detailed description of the model and how to use it. * Domain: Visual working memory

  • Task: Continuous reproduction

  • Name: Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) by Oberauer (2023)

  • Citation:

    • Oberauer, K. (2023). Measurement models for visual working memory - A factorial model comparison. Psychological Review, 130(3), 841-852

  • Version: simple

  • Requirements:

    • The response variable should be in radians and represent the angular error relative to the target

  • Parameters:

    • mu: Location parameter of the SDM distribution (in radians; by default fixed internally to 0)

    • c: Memory strength parameter of the SDM distribution

    • kappa: Precision parameter of the SDM distribution

  • Fixed parameters:

    • mu = 0

  • Default parameter links:

    • mu = tan_half; c = log; kappa = log

  • Default priors:

    • mu:

      • main: student_t(1, 0, 1)

    • kappa:

      • main: student_t(5, 1.75, 0.75)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)

    • c:

      • main: student_t(5, 2, 0.75)

      • effects: normal(0, 1)


An object of class bmmodel


# simulate data from the model
dat <- data.frame(y = rsdm(n = 1000, c = 4, kappa = 3))

# specify formula
ff <- bmf(c ~ 1,
          kappa ~ 1)

# specify the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = dat,
           model = sdm(resp_error = 'y'),
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

Distribution functions for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM)


Density, distribution function, and random generation for the Signal Discrimination Model (SDM) Distribution with location mu, memory strength c, and precision kappa. Currently only a single activation source is supported.


dsdm(x, mu = 0, c = 3, kappa = 3.5, log = FALSE, parametrization = "sqrtexp")

  mu = 0,
  c = 3,
  kappa = 3.5,
  lower.tail = TRUE,
  log.p = FALSE,
  lower.bound = -pi,
  parametrization = "sqrtexp"

qsdm(p, mu = 0, c = 3, kappa = 3.5, parametrization = "sqrtexp")

rsdm(n, mu = 0, c = 3, kappa = 3.5, parametrization = "sqrtexp")



Vector of quantiles


Vector of location values in radians


Vector of memory strength values


Vector of precision values


Logical; if TRUE, values are returned on the log scale.


Character; either "bessel" or "sqrtexp" (default). See the online article for details on the parameterization.


Vector of quantiles


Logical; If TRUE (default), return P(X <= x). Else, return P(X > x)


Logical; if TRUE, probabilities are returned on the log scale.


Numeric; Lower bound of integration for the cumulative distribution


Vector of probabilities


Number of observations to sample



See the online article for details on the parameterization. Oberauer (2023) introduced the SDM with the bessel parametrization. The sqrtexp parametrization is the default in the bmm package for numerical stability and efficiency. The two parametrizations are related by the functions c_bessel2sqrtexp() and c_sqrtexp2bessel().

The cumulative distribution function

Since responses are on the circle, the cumulative distribution function requires you to choose a lower bound of integration. The default is π-\pi, as for the brms::pvon_mises() function but you can choose any value in the argument lower_bound of psdm. Another useful choice is the mean of the response distribution minus π\pi, e.g. lower_bound = mu-pi. This is the default in circular::pvonmises(), and it ensures that 50% of the cumulative probability mass is below the mean of the response distribution.


dsdm gives the density, psdm gives the distribution function, qsdm gives the quantile function, rsdm generates random deviates, and .dsdm_integrate is a helper function for calculating the density of the SDM distribution.


Oberauer, K. (2023). Measurement models for visual working memory - A factorial model comparison. Psychological Review, 130(3), 841–852


# plot the density of the SDM distribution
x <- seq(-pi,pi,length.out=10000)
plot(x,dsdm(x,0,2,3),type="l", xlim=c(-pi,pi),ylim=c(0,1),
     xlab="Angle error (radians)",
     main="SDM density")
legend("topright",c("c=2, kappa=3.0, mu=0",
                    "c=9, kappa=1.0, mu=0",
                    "c=2, kappa=8, mu=1"),
       col=c("black","red","green"),lty=1, cex=0.8)

# plot the cumulative distribution function of the SDM distribution
p <- psdm(x, mu = 0, c = 3.1, kappa = 5)

# generate random deviates from the SDM distribution and overlay the density
r <- rsdm(10000, mu = 0, c = 3.1, kappa = 5)
d <- dsdm(x, mu = 0, c = 3.1, kappa = 5)
hist(r, breaks=60, freq=FALSE)
lines(x,d,type="l", col="red")

Softmax and logsoftmax functions and their inverse functions


softmax returns the value of the softmax function softmaxinv returns the value of the inverse-softmax function


softmax(eta, lambda = 1)

softmaxinv(p, lambda = 1)



A numeric vector input


Tuning parameter (a single positive value)


A probability vector (i.e., numeric vector of non-negative values that sum to one)


The softmax function is a bijective function that maps a real vector with length m-1 to a probability vector with length m with all non-zero probabilities. The present functions define the softmax function and its inverse, both with a tuning parameter.

The current functions define the softmax as:

P(ηi)=eληi1+j=1meληj\Large P(\eta_i) = \frac{e^{\lambda \eta_i}}{1+ \sum_{j=1}^m e^{\lambda \eta_j}}

Code adapted from the utilities package


Value of the softmax function or its inverse



Generate Stan code for bmm models


Given the model, the data and the formula for the model, this function will return the combined stan code generated by bmm and brms


## S3 method for class 'bmmformula'
stancode(object, data, model, prior = NULL, ...)



A bmmformula object


An object of class data.frame, containing data of all variables used in the model. The names of the variables must match the variable names passed to the bmmodel object for required argurments.


A description of the model to be fitted. This is a call to a bmmodel such as mixture3p() function. Every model function has a number of required arguments which need to be specified within the function call. Call supported_models() to see the list of supported models and their required arguments


One or more brmsprior objects created by brms::set_prior() or related functions and combined using the c method or the + operator. See also default_prior() for more help. Not necessary for the default model fitting, but you can provide prior constraints to model parameters


Further arguments passed to brms::stancode(). See the description of brms::stancode() for more details


A character string containing the fully commented Stan code to fit a bmm model.

See Also

supported_models(), brms::stancode()


scode1 <- stancode(bmf(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1),
  data = oberauer_lin_2017,
  model = sdm(resp_error = "dev_rad")

Stan data for bmm models


Given the model, the data and the formula for the model, this function will return the combined stan data generated by bmm and brms


## S3 method for class 'bmmformula'
standata(object, data, model, prior = NULL, ...)



A bmmformula object


An object of class data.frame, containing data of all variables used in the model. The names of the variables must match the variable names passed to the bmmodel object for required argurments.


A description of the model to be fitted. This is a call to a bmmodel such as mixture3p() function. Every model function has a number of required arguments which need to be specified within the function call. Call supported_models() to see the list of supported models and their required arguments


One or more brmsprior objects created by brms::set_prior() or related functions and combined using the c method or the + operator. See also default_prior() for more help. Not necessary for the default model fitting, but you can provide prior constraints to model parameters


Further arguments passed to brms::standata(). See the description of brms::standata() for more details


A named list of objects containing the required data to fit a bmm model with Stan.

See Also

supported_models(), brms::standata()


sdata1 <- standata(bmf(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1),
  data = oberauer_lin_2017,
  model = sdm(resp_error = "dev_rad")

Create a summary of a fitted model represented by a bmmfit object


Create a summary of a fitted model represented by a bmmfit object


## S3 method for class 'bmmfit'
  priors = FALSE,
  prob = 0.95,
  robust = FALSE,
  mc_se = FALSE,
  backend = "bmm"



An object of class brmsfit.


Logical; Indicating if priors should be included in the summary. Default is FALSE.


A value between 0 and 1 indicating the desired probability to be covered by the uncertainty intervals. The default is 0.95.


If FALSE (the default) the mean is used as the measure of central tendency and the standard deviation as the measure of variability. If TRUE, the median and the median absolute deviation (MAD) are applied instead.


Logical; Indicating if the uncertainty in Estimate caused by the MCMC sampling should be shown in the summary. Defaults to FALSE.


Other potential arguments


Choose whether to display the bmm summary method (default), or to display the brms summary method.


You can turn off the color output by setting the option options(bmm.color_summary = FALSE) or bmm_options(color_summary = FALSE)

See Also



# generate artificial data from the Signal Discrimination Model
dat <- data.frame(y = rsdm(2000))

# define formula
ff <- bmmformula(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(
  formula = ff,
  data = dat,
  model = sdm(resp_error = "y"),
  cores = 4,
  backend = "cmdstanr"

# summary of the model

Measurement models available in bmm


Measurement models available in bmm


supported_models(print_call = TRUE)



Logical; If TRUE (default), the function will print information about how each model function should be called and its required arguments. If FALSE, the function will return a character vector with the names of the available models


A character vector of measurement models available in bmm



Update a bmm model


Update an existing bmm mode. This function calls brms::update.brmsfit(), but it applies the necessary bmm postprocessing to the model object before and after the update.


## S3 method for class 'bmmfit'
update(object, formula., newdata = NULL, recompile = NULL, ...)



An object of class bmmfit


A bmmformula(). If missing, the original formula is used. Currently you have to specify a full bmmformula


An optional data frame containing the variables in the model


Logical, indicating whether the Stan model should be recompiled. If NULL (the default), update tries to figure out internally, if recompilation is necessary. Setting it to FALSE will cause all Stan code changing arguments to be ignored.


Further arguments passed to brms::update.brmsfit()


When updating a brmsfit created with the cmdstanr backend in a different R session, a recompilation will be triggered because by default, cmdstanr writes the model executable to a temporary directory. To avoid that, set option "cmdstanr_write_stan_file_dir" to a nontemporary path of your choice before creating the original bmmfit.

For more information and examples, see brms::update.brmsfit()


# generate artificial data from the Signal Discrimination Model
# generate artificial data from the Signal Discrimination Model
dat <- data.frame(y = rsdm(2000))

# define formula
ff <- bmf(c ~ 1, kappa ~ 1)

# fit the model
fit <- bmm(formula = ff,
           data = dat,
           model = sdm(resp_error = "y"),
           cores = 4,
           backend = 'cmdstanr')

# update the model
fit <- update(fit, newdata = data.frame(y = rsdm(2000, kappa = 5)))

Wrap angles that extend beyond (-pi;pi)


On the circular space, angles can be only in the range (-pi;pi or -180;180). When subtracting angles, this can result in values outside of this range. For example, when calculating the difference between a value of 10 degrees minus 340 degrees, this results in a difference of 330 degrees. However, the true difference between these two values is -30 degrees. This function wraps such values, so that they occur in the circle


wrap(x, radians = TRUE)



A numeric vector, matrix or data.frame of angles to be wrapped. In radians (default) or degrees.


Logical. Is x in radians (default=TRUE) or degrees (FALSE)


An object of the same type as x


x <- runif(1000, -pi, pi)
y <- runif(1000, -pi, pi)
diff <- x - y
wrapped_diff <- wrap(x - y)

Data from Experiment 2 reported by Zhang & Luck (2008)


Raw data of 8 subjects for the response error in a continuous reproduction task with set size 1, 2, 3, and 6 reported by Zhang & Luck (2008).





A data frame with 4,000 rows and 9 columns:


Integer uniquely identifying different subjects


Trial identifyier


The set_size of the data in this row


The response error, that is the difference between the response given and the target color in radians.

col_lure1, col_Lure2, col_Lure3, col_Lure4, col_Lure5

Color value of the lure items coded relative to the target color.
