bmm - Easy and Accessible Bayesian Measurement Models Using 'brms'
Fit computational and measurement models using full Bayesian inference. The package provides a simple and accessible interface by translating complex domain-specific models into 'brms' syntax, a powerful and flexible framework for fitting Bayesian regression models using 'Stan'. The package is designed so that users can easily apply state-of-the-art models in various research fields, and so that researchers can use it as a new model development framework.
Last updated 10 months ago
5.20 score 15 stars 35 scripts 323 downloads
chkptstanr - Checkpoint MCMC Sampling with 'Stan'
Fit Bayesian models in Stan <doi: 10.18637/jss.v076.i01> with checkpointing, that is, the ability to stop the MCMC sampler at will, and then pick right back up where the MCMC sampler left off. Custom 'Stan' models can be fitted, or the popular package 'brms' <doi: 10.18637/jss.v080.i01> can be used to generate the 'Stan' code. This package is fully compatible with the R packages 'brms', 'posterior', 'cmdstanr', and 'bayesplot'.
Last updated 1 years ago
4.80 score 8 stars 26 scripts 192 downloadsVmisc - Various functions for personal use
Various functions for personal use.
Last updated 4 months ago
1.70 score 1 stars 8 scripts